Acrewood Day Nursery is abuzz with activity every single day. The children are involved in an array of fun things to do, from cookery each week, to both independent and adult led PE activities. ICT equipment is enjoyed by the older children and toddlers alike and music is something that everyone takes part in. Creative play, from painting to building and role play; story time, peaceful play works alongside energetic fun and broad scope for imaginations to run wild.
Acrewood Day Nursery has its very own nature playground; the magic of the woodland, with its chickens, mud kitchens and endless opportunities to spark vivid imaginative games and outdoor fun, brings joy to all the children. We head outside come rain or shine, as there’s nothing better than jumping in muddy puddles in our wellies, or skipping around in the leaves, with the sun on our faces. Whether out and about in the woodland grounds or indoors, at Acrewood there is no such thing as ‘bored’.
For the really little ones, Acrewood has a sensory dark room, where everything sparkles, including inquisitive eyes and minds! Glow in the dark magic and movement is a favourite with our babies and toddlers.
Acrewood Day Nursery has its own minibus which means that getting out and about is easy, especially in the summer months, Jersey becomes an extension of our playground, providing endless fun and games whether its at the beach for our Beach School activities, or visiting one off Jersey’s many sites and parks.
We like taking the children to Durrell, where they learn all about the endangered animals and conservation; we visit Milbrook Park and the Elephant Park regularly and any other places which encourage the children to play and explore. We are also constantly looking for the next best place to take the kids to help them grow.
Acrewood provides the opportunity for the children to learn to swim, with our affiliation to Le Mourier Swim School the children enjoy swimming lessons.